Helping broadcasters to create innovative content from a cast of millions. Powered by Skype TX, broadcast hardware with peerless Skype integration.
Enhance your programming with real-time contributions from a cast of over 300 million Skype users and connect with them easily wherever they are whatever device they have.
Skype TX control works with the appliance to manage the end to end professional calling experience.
Skype TX converts Skype calls in to professional HD-SDI feeds ready to be integrated into production workflows.
NewTek TriCaster— a complete multi-camera production system where you can make anything from keynote presentations and webcasts to online training and sports events look just like network television.
An Emmy® and Queen’s Award winning solution for integrating high-quality, low-latency Skype and Microsoft Teams calls into your workflow. The QuickLink TX is the most comprehensive Skype TX solution on the market.
Connecting millions of Skype users from their mobile phone, web browser or desktop directly to your studio.