What is Skype TX?
Skype TX is a studio-grade hardware and software solution from Microsoft allowing seamless integration of Skype callers from anywhere in the world into your production.
What is the difference between Skype TX and the original Skype?
Skype TX is a studio-grade solution, designed specifically for use by broadcasters and production houses to connect with any Skype user, creating optimum on-air quality. Skype TX also ensures video feeds are free of distractions such as call notifications and ads.
Why can’t the original Skype be used by broadcasters?
You can but our partners have manufactured boxes that include the features broadcasters need like gen-lock, talkback, color correction and much more that is not available with consumer Skype. No more jumping through fiery hoops to bring a Skype caller into your production.
How much will Skype TX cost?
Skype TX is available via our manufacturing partners, you can find out more about them and the costs here.
Will the product be available globally?
Yes, Skype TX is available globally and supports all worldwide broadcast frame rates and resolutions.
What are the Broadcast Terms of Service for Skype?
Any use of the Skype Software in a broadcast is subject to the Broadcast Terms of Service. You must agree to these Broadcast Terms of Service to use Skype software in any broadcast.
How easy is it to install Skype TX into the broadcast chain?
Skype TX is designed to be easy to install and simple to use. Our partners utilize standard BNC connectors with embedded audio as well as discrete audio over XLR. In addition they provide support for NDI and DANTE.
Will my team need training in Skype TX hardware and software?
No, our partners provide easy-to-follow user guides.
How many Skype calls can be made using one Skype TX box?
Skype TX currently supports up to four calls per unit depending on which unit is purchased. Our controller makes it easy to utilize several boxes in your productions.
How many units can be controlled by Skype TX software?
The largest production to date involved 40 units working simultaneously. The controller can control up to 124 separate channels spread over multiple units.
What are the video and audio output formats?
All HD-SDI and SD-SDI broadcast standards are supported up to 1080P at all popular frame rates. Audio output can be analogue, HD-SDI or IP.
Does Skype TX only work on a Windows platform?
Yes, Skype TX only runs on a Windows operating system.
Will Skype TX work on a laptop?
Skype TX controller is designed to run on any Windows system from Win7 to Win10 and you can download Skype TX here. The controller was designed so that producers can manage calls from your control room or anywhere in your facility.
Which Skype clients can Skype TX connect to?
Skype TX can be connected with any device running the latest Skype client, including Windows, iOS and Android be it a phone, tablet, laptop or PC.
How can I sign up for original Skype?
Sign up for a Skype account and find out more details on Skype’s consumer model.
Will there be a subscription process like there is with consumer Skype?
There is no subscription model currently being considered.
Is Skype TX a hardware or software product?
The Skype TX product includes both the Skype TX Control software, as well as the hardware on which the Skype TX Channel runs.
What Service Level Agreements apply to Skype TX?
The regular Microsoft Services Agreement applies. The Skype TX hardware and software will be governed by Skype TX’s specific use rights presented at download.
Are there any restrictions on Skype branding?
Full branding guidelines are available here and must be adhered to. Please email the Skype in Media team at sfcc@microsoft.com with details of your broadcast.
Where can I find the Skype watermark and logo?
The full and up-to-date brand watermark and logo are available. Please email us at sfcc@microsoft.com with your request. Only this watermark and logo should be used on-screen with Skype.
Can I download Skype sounds?
Skype sounds are available now by emailing your request, together with details of your broadcast, to sfcc@microsoft.com.
Are there UI templates available for my device?
Yes. Please refer to our Broadcast Guidelines.
Where can I find the Skype in Media brand guidelines?
For a full list of our brand guidelines and tips on how to use Skype, email sfcc@microsoft.com with a short description of your broadcast.
What is Skype In Media?
Skype In Media is a program created by Skype for broadcasters and media organizations. Its focus is on sharing the Skype experience through television, radio, digital and other media platforms.
What Internet speed should I use?
We suggest using dedicated broadband Internet with greater than 10Mbps bandwidth for High Definition calling. You can also test any remote call quality using this Internet speed test.